About Us

As childhood friends, our goal is to help Jimmie Joe’s legacy of kindness, love for Christ, love for technology and community live on through this scholarship. Collectively will review each applicant's form to identify those candidates who demonstrate the same core values as our friend Jimmie Joe Boone.

Meyer McMains - Development

Picture of Meyer McMains.

Jimmie Joe was my best friend. Who I am, what I do, and where I’ve been; is somehow connected to a kid I met in the third grade. I am glad I met Jimmie Joe! Growing up alongside a friend who shares the same values and interests, has had an impact on my life that is hard to explain. In a way, it subtly weaves itself through my life; a story that continues to be written by many authors.

I’ll never forget all the time we spent playing games, hanging out, and just talking. We spent far too much time building and exploring fantasy worlds, last hitting Creeps, and mining blocks. When we were not playing video games or Dungeons and Dragons, we shared a pursuit of Christ. He was never afraid to be himself, he wanted the best for his friends, and he created joy for those around him.

If we create the same kind of joy, then the world is a better place.


  • Favorite Pokémon: Gogoat
  • Favorite Color: Blue
  • Occupation: Software Development
  • College: East Tennessee State University
  • Degree: Computer Science, minor - Digital Media
  • Hobbies: Programming, Video Games, Disk Golf, Tabletop Games, Reading, Music, Car Mechanics, and hanging out with friends.

Graham McMains - Board Member

Picture of Graham McMains.

My friendship with Jimmie Joe was built on our pursuit to walk with the Lord. Our friendship was characterized by doing dumb things together. If you knew Jimmie Joe, then you would know that he was always the adventurous type looking to do something fun; whether it was dumb or not. We also liked to eat food, he was always up for ice cream or Genghis Grill. We would always have deep conversations over pillow talk, usually about girls. We would play video games: Super Smash Bros, Mario Party, and Pokemon were some of his favorites. Lastly, we were always at church together.

What always stood out to me about Jimmie Joe as a person, is that he was never afraid to be himself. He was always: goofing around, making jokes, and could be seen wearing a flat bill hat and high top shoes. The biggest thing that stood out to me though, is that everywhere Jimmie Joe went people knew him. When he went to church camp for the summer, it seemed like every person there knew him by the end of the week. Jimmie Joe had a gift of loving those around him. His life will always be an encouragement for me to step out of my comfort zone and love the people God has placed in my path; who need to know Jesus and what He did for them on the cross.


  • Favorite Pokémon: Snorlax
  • Favorite Color: Blue
  • Occupation: CRU Staff @ Clemson University
  • College: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  • Degree: Sports Management - Business Minor
  • Hobbies: Basketball, Hockey, Disc Golf, Spikeball, Drawing, Music, Eating Asian Food, Hanging out with friends.

Lee McMains - Secretary

Picture of Lee McMains.

Being friends with Jimmie Joe was an absolute joy! I remember meeting Jimmie Joe in elementary school. We were in the same second grade class and would talk about pokemon and play with tech decks. As we got older our friend group became inseparable. We would play lots of games of the card, board, and video variety. Or we'd just flat out do dumb or goofy things. What I remember most is all of our sleepovers and trips with our church.

What I love most about Jimmie Joe is how goofy he always was. He was never afraid to just be himself and he brought so much laughter and joy to the people he was around. He cared deeply for his friends because of his love for Jesus. What was most impactful was getting to know Jesus more alongside him and with our friends.


  • Favorite Pokémon: Gengar
  • Favorite Color: Sky Blue
  • Occupation: Cru staff in Central Kentucky
  • College: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  • Degree: Biochemistry
  • Hobbies: Disc Golf, Basketball, Pickle Ball (pretty much any sport), Reading, Music, hanging with friends, brewing kombucha.

Caleb Jones - Vice President

Picture of Caleb Jones.

My story with Jimmie Joe all started when I met three brothers who would soon become my best friends. Little did I know that soon after, I would gain another best friend when they told me they had someone I had to meet. I’ll never forget the day when I met Jimmie Joe because he had just came from a swim meet and showed up with crazy hair (which I thought was epic), and jumped right into the group wanting to play videogames, talk pokemon through and through, and enjoy all the conversations that rarely made sense.

As years went by, we all became like brothers, and to the point of creating traditions together, sharing major life milestones, and exploding with joy when we could all link up for a weekend sleepover. Overall, getting to represent and honor such an incredible person by impacting others who share his passion for tech is an absolute blessing, and I look forward to seeing how God uses this to impact others as well.


  • Favorite Pokémon: Raichu
  • Favorite Color: Sapphire Blue
  • Occupation: Elementary/Student Pastor
  • College: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  • Degree: Exercise Science
  • Hobbies: Board Games, Eating Lunch, Disk Golf, Pokémon Cards, Watching Sports, Fishing